Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful Christmas. My mom came down with her dog, Fancy, and spent Christmas with us. Gabbie and Zoe, our Ragdoll kitties, did pretty good. Gabbie held her ground (as expected) and Zoe hid.

Our church had a combined service this morning, so it was pretty crowded, and it was a blessing to gather together with other Christians to thank God for sending his Son. God has blessed us throughout the year and has brought us to this Christmas with a great appreciation for His love.

Today is a glorious day when we can worship and praise the Lord, our God, on this day we celebrate His birth. Jesus came to earth for each and every one of us, and I pray that you will open your hearts, to accept the gift of eternal life He has handed to each of us. All you have to do is take that gift.

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