Friday, August 29, 2008

Proud Mom

After a LOT of work and much studying, Addam graduated from High School with a 4.2 GPA, made Eagle Scout, and got himself a job all within the span of about a month! He was soooo ready to graduate, he had been talking about it for most of the school year, and he did it!

His Eagle journey was, at times, challenging - especially for his Mom (me!) who was trying to motivate him. I was honored that he choose me as his Mentor honoree at the Eagle ceremony. Addam's project was the landscape renovation of the area in front of the Tiny Tots playground. He led a team of boys in putting in irrigation, planting plants, and laying down mulch, and it turned out very nice.

One day after his graduation ceremony, he had his Eagle Court of Honor which he shared with two other Eagles - Kalvin and Will. This was a special day for them and one they will remember their whole lives. Congratulations Nemo!

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